**Important Update for Our CGM Diabetic Arkansas Medicaid Patients**

Aug 8, 2024 | Arkansas Medicaid | 0 comments

Finnegan Health Services is dedicated to providing top-notch care and services for our CGM diabetic patients on Arkansas Medicaid. However, due to new state regulations, we can no longer participate in providing Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs). Starting August 1, 2024, patients will need to obtain and pick up their CGM supplies through their pharmacy.

If this Arkansas state mandate affects your access to CGM supplies*, please let Arkansas Medicaid AND your Arkansas State Representative know.

**Call or Email Your Representative Today**: [Find Your State Representative](https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Legislators/List)

Together, we can advocate for better access to essential medical supplies!

*Please Note: the new Arkansas Medicaid ruling does NOT affect PASSE patients and we are still able to provide and ship CGM to our PASSE patients.*